Our Booth in a Box is a key strategy for us to help spread the word about right whales. This is literally a box of tools that anyone can use to set up a booth/table to educate the public about right whales and engage them in protection efforts.
What’s Included in the Booth in a Box?
The box includes a right whale model, baleen/feeding activity, children’s activity booklet, displays, interactive games and talking points for the person staffing the table. This will enable our Right Whale Ambassadors to provide an interactive, educational booth that can be staffed by a volunteer or other interested party. Visitors to the booth will receive concrete actions they can take to protect right whales.
Who Can Use the Booth in a Box?
The box can be borrowed by schools, organizations, etc., throughout the US to be used in educational programs, schools, fairs, festivals and aboard sightseeing boats.
Host the Booth in a Box!
Want to help us spread the word about right whales? Host our Booth in a Box at your program, event, fair, or festival!
The Booth in a Box is distributed from several locations. Check out the map below to find the one closest to you, and then fill out the interest form and we’ll contact you with more information! Want to become a distributor? Email us