If your school, club, team, or company is interested in getting outdoors and helping the local community, a beach cleanup is a great way to get involved!
We can meet you at the beach and lead the cleanup, or you can conduct the cleanup on your own and contribute to our long-term data set. Not only will the beach cleanup help wildlife and keep the beach safer for humans, but the information you record will help us learn about trends in marine pollution and help find solutions.
What We Provide:
- All supplies other than gloves and personal care items such as water, sunscreen, and bug repellent.
- A Blue Ocean Society representative to meet you at the beach, provide guidance, clean the beach with you, and take care of trash removal afterward.
- A short tutorial to kick off the cleanup regarding how you will be collecting data during the cleanup, information about local marine debris issues, and safety guidance.
What You Bring:
- Gloves. Please bring reusable gloves, such as gardening gloves, thin winter gloves, or other work gloves. We aim to avoid plastic disposable gloves to limit our contribution to pollution from single-use plastic products.
- Snacks, drinks, sunscreen, bug spray, and other personal care items, so you are comfortable throughout the cleanup. We encourage folks to limit their consumption of products that use single-use plastic where feasible. We suggest bringing water and food in reusable containers.
- We suggest participants dress in layers and wear sturdy, close-toed shoes for safety. Note that temperatures can often be 10-15 degrees cooler at the beach than they are inland.
Group Size. We require at least 8 participants in a group to lead a cleanup for you. If your group has less than 8 people, you are welcome to use our beach cleanup guide to lead the cleanup on your own and/or borrow a beach cleanup supply kit from the Blue Ocean Discovery Center at Hampton Beach so you don’t have to purchase your own supplies. We ask that groups of more than 25 cleanup participants consider making a donation to offset the resources and staff required to coordinate a large cleanup.
Cleanup Timeframe. All cleanups led by Blue Ocean Society are scheduled for a 2-hour period. Over the years, we have found this is the ideal timeframe so that no one leaves too tired, dehydrated, or sore. We do not hold cleanups on the weekends in the summer due to parking challenges.
Safety. We follow current local, state, and CDC Covid guidelines. Currently, masks are not required, but volunteers are encouraged to social distance. Children are welcome to attend cleanups but must be supervised.

Debris Monitoring & Data Collection
We collect data at all Blue Ocean Society beach cleanups which contributes to our long-term marine debris monitoring and helps us advocate for change in the seacoast community.
Check out the impact of our beach cleanups last year in our Marine Debris Results 2022 Pamphlet.
Beach Cleanup Booking Form
Please fill out the form below to schedule a beach cleanup at least two weeks before your preferred date to ensure staff availability. We will get back to you cleanup that works for your needs and ours.
Please indicate whether or not you would like Blue Ocean Society to lead the cleanup. If you are able to lead the cleanup independently, please still fill out this form. We will verify the beach you are interested in needs a cleanup on your preferred date, and add your cleanup to our calendar to ensure no one cleans your beach just before or just after you.
Thank You
Thank you to the following businesses and other groups who have conducted cleanups in the past years, many of which have donated in support of our cleanup efforts.
381 Constructors | Hampton Police Department | Ralph Lauren |
ACTEX/ARCHIMEDIA | Heronfield Academy | Rye Beach Committee |
AIMTSTO | Homegrown Homeschool Community | Rye Girl Scouts |
Alfred Elementry School | Impax Asset Management LLC | Rye Youth Swim Club |
Always in Motion to Save the Ocean | Island District Seltzer | Salesforce |
Ameriprise Financial Services | John Hancock | Salisbury Elementary School |
Ardent Concepts | Kearsarge Regional High School | Seacoast Board of Realtors |
Bacardi | League of Conservation Voters | Seacoast Financial Planning |
Bangor Savings Bank | Leddy Group | Seacoast Paddleboard Club |
Berwick Academy | Liberty Mutual | Seacoast Science Center |
Bill Hall | Little Harbor School | Seaglass Technology Partners |
Bow High School | Londonderry High School | Seaman Paper |
Building Block Commons School | Lonza Biologics | Service Credit Union |
Cambridge Trust | Lynx | Sheehan and Phinney |
CIT Bank | Mainely Conservation | Slack Tide |
Club Finz of Southern Maine | Marshwood High School | Smith and Nephew |
Coe-Brown Northwood Academy | Mersisters | Sprague Energy |
Community Church of Durham | Mount Zion School | Southern New Hampshire University |
Community Integrated Services, Inc. | New Hampshire Coastal Program | Spaulding High School |
Community Partners | Newmarket Cubscouts Lion Den | St. Patrick School |
Cooperative Middle School | NH Bankers Association | State Farm |
Dover High School | Northwestern Mutual | Target |
Dover Public Library | Nottingham Elementary | Tate & Foss Realty |
DuckFeetUSA | On Target Fitness | Technology Business Research, Inc |
Everbridge | PC Connection | The Governors Academy |
F.U.U.S.E. & P.E.A. | Philips Exeter Academy | ThermoFisher |
Franchise Business Review | Pinkerton Academy | Tides of Life SUP Yoga |
Girl Scouts | Piscataqaua Savings Bank | Timberland Company |
Girls Inc. NH | Plumfield Academy | Trillium Flow Technologies |
Good Shepherd’s Foundation | PM Group | University of New Hampshire |
Governors Academy | PoliteMail Software | Westinghouse Electric |
Granite State Curiosity Co-op Homeschool Group | Portsmouth Brewers Collective | Winnacunnet High School |
Granite United Way | Prime Buchholz Consulting Firm | Work Opportunities Unlimited |
GZA Geoenvironmental, Inc. | Prospect Mountain High School | Wright-Peirce |
Thanks also to the New Hampshire Coastal Program for their continued support!