Public Cleanup Bulletin – Sign Up!

Welcome to our Cleanup Bulletin, where we post beach cleanups anyone can join! 

Cleanup Info:

All ages are welcome at our public cleanups, but children must be supervised due to the sharp nature of some debris items. We recommend bringing layers to all cleanups, as the temperature on the coast can be 10-15 degrees cooler than inland.

All supplies are provided except gloves. To avoid single-use plastic products, please bring reusable gloves, such as gardening gloves, work gloves, or thin winter gloves.

Please arrive 10-15 minutes early so we can begin the cleanup on schedule.

Monthly Hampton Beach Cleanup, sponsored by Kennebunk Savings Bank

Join us on the first Saturday of each month from November 2024 through May 2025 from 10 am to 12 noon at Hampton Main Beach, Hampton, NH! All ages are welcome! Please see the notes at the top of this page for more info on what to bring.

Parking meters are shut off during the winter; therefore, there are no associated fees.

Earth Day Cleanups!

Seacoast Paddleboard Club

Seacoast Paddleboard Club hosts monthly cleanups on the last Sunday of every month at Pirate’s Cove in Rye as part of Blue Ocean Society’s Adopt-a-Beach program! These cleanups are open to the public, and you do not need to be part of SPC to join. Their cleanups typically start at 10:00 am during the fall, winter, and spring and 8:00 am during the summer. No registration is necessary. Visit their website to learn more about their cleanups. 

SPC October Cleanup:

SPC’s October cleanup will be Sunday, October 27th, at 9:00 am at Peirce Island! This event is in be in collaboration with Portsmouth Halloween Parade for the 7th Annual Halloween Costume Paddle & Cleanup! You can find more info here!

Students from Salisbury Elementary School cleaned litter from Salisbury Beach while tallying the items they found on a data card (2022).