Looking For Whales When No One Is Looking
It’s early in the morning in mid-March. My phone makes that chirping sound that means someone wants to talk to me. The text reads, “Hey, […]
It’s early in the morning in mid-March. My phone makes that chirping sound that means someone wants to talk to me. The text reads, “Hey, […]
We were excited to get back to some of our more traditional programs this year, while also expanding the new programs we started in 2020. […]
In a previous blog post, we discussed how just days after the new Large Whale Take Reduction Plan regulations were announced, the state of Maine […]
In February 2021, we asked for your help submitting public comments for the Atlantic Large Whale Take Reduction Plan. It looks like all of our […]
When researchers and educators discuss the North Atlantic right whale, inevitably their low population numbers come up. There are only around 370 of these whales […]