If your New Year’s resolutions included exercising more, spending more time with family and friends, or volunteering, we’ve got an event for you!
Even though it’s winter, our local beaches still need our attention. Winter storms can bring an onslaught of litter and other debris onto the beaches. Despite the cold and windy weather, our beach cleanups continue throughout the winter. A beach cleanup is a great excuse to get outside, enjoy some fresh air and visit the beach at a less-crowded time! Plus, all ages are welcomed and we provide all the supplies.
Just at Jenness Beach last winter (December-March), we did 4 cleanups and picked up 125 pounds of litter. More than half of this (65 pounds) was during our March cleanup. The top items we found at Jenness Beach last winter were cigarette butts (448), bottle caps (162), plastic bags (82), rope (52) and plastic straws (36). We also removed 87 piles of dog waste (yuck).
Beach Cleanups Every Month
This year, we’ll have beach cleanups every month at Jenness Beach. Until summer, they’ll be on the second Saturday of each month at 10:30 AM. During July and August, we will hold the cleanups at 6:30 PM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Click here for more information and to sign up.
If the public cleanup dates don’t work for you, or you have a large group, we also offer private cleanups for groups of 10 or more. We’ll meet you at a site and time that works for you and provide all the supplies. Click here for info on our group cleanups.
Want to make a longer commitment? We’re always looking for groups to join our Adopt-a-Beach program! In this program, you adopt a site and agree to clean it at least once per month for a year. We’ll provide supplies and training.
Click here now to sign up for a cleanup. We’ll see you on the beach!