6 Ways to be an Eco-Friendly Party Planner

Planning a party or event can be one of the most fun…or stressful tasks on your list of to-dos. The next time it’s your turn to start throwing around invites, booking venues, and brain storming themes, try to keep it less stressful for yourself AND the environment! Party’s normally come with a list of single-use plastic items along with a pile full of other wastes. It’s understandable that when it comes to hosting a lot of people, it seems easier to just go with the traditional, disposable, cheap options. But rest be assured, you can still host a party in a cheap and easy way by opting for more sustainable options!

We’ve compiled a list below on some tips to throwing the best eco-friendly party or event you possibly can, without breaking the bank or making it harder on you!

1. Skip the Balloons!

Balloon on the oceanBalloons are composed of plastic, which means they never fully breakdown. When let go, they can travel up to thousands of miles, deflating into habitats and becoming a danger to any animal that encounters them. If a balloon is swallowed, it can block an animal’s intestinal tract causing them to starve, and the balloon string can lead to entanglement which causes injury or death. Several different marine and terrestrial species have been documented to have been killed by balloons, including sea turtles who commonly mistaken them for jellyfish. A simple way to avoid all of this is to not buy balloons! Opt for other decorations instead, such as banners, flowers, bubbles, streamers, etc. The possibilities are endless!

2. Keep the Food Local

By shopping locally, your food doesn’t have to travel long miles by truck or overseas, therefore you’resignificantly cutting down your carbon footprint! How does this help marine life? It fights climate change, which benefits every living thing on our planet, and keeps less ships out of our oceans which means less pollution and possible collision with wildlife. Another bonus is the food at your party is guaranteed to be fresher and of better quality, and you’re also supporting the local economy! It’s a This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is photo-1463183547458-6a2c760d0912-1.jpegwin for your party, the environment, and your community!


3. Avoid Single-Use Plastic

As mentioned before, balloons are a big one on the avoid list for party planning, but other single use plastics can be a lot harder to avoid. It may seem easier to just buy plastic cups and silverware that are quickly thrown away and don’t have to be washed, but if you have the real silverware and plates in the first place, why spend the extra money on harmful plastic ones?! If you have a dishwasher, cleaning them is no big deal either, and if you don’t, guests are very likely to help you with cleaning them. If you’re hosting a very large event where using real dishes and silverware isn’t an option, it least try opting for paper plates and cups, which will eventually biodegrade compared to the indestructible plastic options.

4. Have a Recycling Bin and Compost Bin

If there’s going to be a chance of bottles, cans, or any other recyclable items being at your party, make sure you have a recycling bin with an easy to read label that’s placed somewhere obvious for guests to see. This is the easiest way to make sure all recyclable products used are disposed of properly. You can also set up a compost bin as well, just make sure to have a label on it stating everything that can and can’t be composted (it’s not common knowledge for everyone to know what can and can’t be).

5. Use Nature as your Inspiration

Skip plastic and disposable junk at the party supply store and opt for more natural decorations! Nature has some of the most aesthetically pleasing options for decorations such as flowers, twigs, herbs, produce, etc. Plus, whenever the party is over all your decorations easily biodegrade and can be thrown into compost. Pinterest is a great way to find good ideas for natural decorations.

6. Go with Sustainable Gifts

If you’re throwing a party, let your guests know you’re looking for more sustainable options, such as locally bought products or items sustainably-produced. Do the same for any auction items at an event!


By following even one of these tips, you’re doing your part to reduce negative impacts on our planet.  Here’s to a year filled with eco-friendly parties and events!