Start the New Year with a beach cleanup!
Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet? We have the perfect one to add to your list: participate in more beach cleanups! Show your love for the ocean by helping us clean our local beaches!
To start the New Year right, we are hosting a special beach cleanup on New Year’s Day! We had a very successful First Day cleanup last year and wanted to continue with our new tradition. The cleanup will be on Sunday, January 1st, at Jenness Beach in Rye from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Registration is required. Please register here.
We all love to celebrate New Year’s Eve and enjoy the countdown to the New Year, but unfortunately, this celebration usually includes a lot of waste. At last year’s First Day Cleanup, volunteers collected 10,500 pieces of debris, including 4,450 pieces of plastic-lined cardboard from fireworks the night before, 273 plastic wrappers, and 42 metal beverage cans. We would love your help getting this trash off the beach! Click here for the complete analysis of last year’s First Day Cleanup.

Cleanup Info: Parking is available in the state parks lot for no fee during winter months. Overflow parking is also available along the street where signs permit. Bathrooms will not be available at Jenness Beach, but you can find restrooms at Hampton Main Beach and other local businesses.
We provide all supplies except gloves. Please provide your own gloves if possible; gardening gloves and thin winter gloves or working gloves all work great! Also, please dress for the weather conditions. The beach is usually 5-10 degrees colder than it is inland.

Want to get involved but can’t make the First Day Cleanup?
- Join our monthly cleanups on the first Saturday of each month at Hampton Beach! All ages are welcome. Registration is required.
- Adopt A Beach! Want to make a commitment to spending time outdoors, serving your community, and protecting marine life? Choose a beach and clean it once a month. We provide the supplies and the know-how, and you help marine life!
- Lead a cleanup on your own with our Digital Beach Cleanup Kit, or fill out our cleanup request form.